TWMC high-speed synchronous machines feature a time tested and
proven rotor construction design. For high torque transmission
throughout its variable speed range, the rugged construction of
these premium rotors are without equal.
The rotor construction starts with a high strength alloy steel
shaft forging that is precision machined, ground and finished
to our exact tolerances. Next the rotor spider is constructed
from massive steel laminations and machined to mate with the shaft
to form the rotor core assembly. Dovetail slots are then milled
into the spider to accept the dovetailed pole pieces that are
secured in place by tapered keys. Dovetail pole construction (pictured
below) ensures a secure attachment to the shaft and spider.

Rotor poles are stacked from thin laminations bolted together
to form the pole pieces. Field coils are edge-bent and strap wound,
then insulated with a custom-designed thermosetting turn insulation
system before being installed onto the rotor poles. Coils are
staggered to allow for efficient heat transfer and are solidly
braced at the final assembly stage.
Amortisseur windings use copper/copper alloy damper bars and
segments. A shaped copper interconnect between adjacent poles
alleviates thermal stresses which occur during starting.
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