With extensive experience in the marine industry, TECO-Westinghouse Motor Company is committed to providing reliable products that meet the needs of this rapidly growing industry. With innovat
ive R&D and true world-wide engineering and manufacturing
capabilities, TWMC promises an unparalleled level of design and service. Using FEM and electromagnetic software design, TWMC is able to manufacture and service a wide range of products, from standard DC, synchronous, and induction motors rated up to 100,000HP to special PM and superconducting motors and generators. As a total service provider, TWMC provides auxiliary motors for pumps, fans, and cranes to the marine industry, proving that no job is too large or too small.
With large modern motor manufacturing and design facilities in Round Rock, Texas, Chung Li, Wuxi, and JianXi PRC, TWMC ensures that all motors undergo state-of-the art testing and inspection.
For reliability, innovation, and experience, make TWMC your marine industy solution.
Induction Motors: 500HP to 30,000HP

- High efficiencies
- Advanced software design Capabilities
- Advanced materials
- Proven technology
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