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World SeriesTM Induction Motors


Enhanced Efficiencies for Greater Savings

Operating efficiencies are vitally important to the bottom-line needs of industry. You may save hundreds of thousands of dollars over the life of a motor by careful evaluation of the operating efficiency. That’s why World SeriesTM Motors are designed to deliver operating efficiencies that are among the highest in the world.

The following key features have enabled World SeriesTM Motors to reduce operating losses up to 30 percent from previous designs:

Powerful computer design programs

Using sophisticated computer programs, TECO-Westinghouse engineers study your electrical and mechanical specifications, scan hundreds of design possibilities in minutes and select the best design for your specific requirements. The results: each motor design is optimized for the highest operating efficiency. State-of-the-art software capabilities also allow us to respond more quickly to your needs with improved outline drawings, complete quotations and accurate performance data.

Metric frame sizes

World SeriesTM Motors are built on a metric family of frame sizes that conform to IEC standards. As a result, more frame sizes are available than ever before, and our engineers can select optimized designs for any horsepower, RPM or voltage rating with no gaps in the entire product line. Our wider range of frame sizes also enables more efficient ventilation, which helps reduce heating and windage losses.

Improved materials

World SeriesTM Motors incorporate the latest advances in insulation materials. Superior insulating materials allow increased use of copper in the electrical circuit, which enhances operating efficiency.

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