TECO-Westinghouse Motor Company synchronous machines feature
high efficiency designs in which great care is taken to minimize
losses. Various design features are manually selected to ensure
maximum operating efficiencies and trouble-free operations:
- Airgap, slot openings and slot ratios are selected to reduce
pole face losses due to flux pulsations.
- Low loss, core-plated, non-aging silicon steel stator punching
of various dimensions are selected to reduce core losses.
- The stator copper is stranded to minimize eddy current losses.
- The number of stator slots, slot width, slot depth and stator
core depth are dimensioned to reduce magnetic noise.
- Pole punchings are designed for reduced pole leakage flux and
field excitation to reduce field copper losses.
- Blowers are carefully selected to reduce windage loss and provide
maximum cooling. This helps reduce the overall machine size.
- Stator end-plates are designed to ensure a tight and rigid core
assembly, to minimize noise due to core distortion and to transmit
torque to the frame bulkhead.
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